Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Outlook of Twitter


            Twitter is a social networking website to connect to the world. On Twitter pictures and videos can be shared with the world. Even sharing your location is optional as well. The basis of Twitter is having “followers” to have information to share with mostly it’s promotional information or correcting incorrect information given from any source, even at time if it’s a celebrity Twitter themselves.

Celebrities use Twitter as a means for promotional use, to reach their fans that are willing to support their new service or product. Weather that it’s a performer of any type actors, musician even an athlete. Twitter can also dehumanize oneself, as interacting with ones fans and showing the world that as a celebrity you partake in what the average person does as well. I may not be a celebrity but social networking on Twitter is can help me as a writers to show off my writing skills and reach out to the public, fans and employer as well. To let the public know what I’m working on such as shorts or films and what entertainer I’m working with on such project.

As a writer and a prospective filmmaker I would be able to use Twitter as source of advertising to let my peers and consumers know what I’m working on. Although Twitter has a limit on each update it, if you are posting a link to your website it shortens the link for more word space and the same for picture and video. With the direct to the fans connection of Twitter, for me it would be used to cater to the prospective viewer of my work mostly. Also advertise what are my newest projects that can be supported when and where.

Below are two pictures of, first of the homepage/log in page and the second is a picture of a twitter topic's timeline.